Monday, April 27, 2020


The Shatkarma, also known as Shatkriyas, are a set of Hatha Yoga purifications of the body.Their purpose is to remove "gross impurities", cure a range of diseases, and prepare the body for pranayama, trapping the breath so as to force the vital energy prana into the central sushumna channel, allowing kundalini to rise, and so to attain moksha, liberation.

There are four steps,that you need to learned and master before moving on to the next step. They are by order:

1-Uddiyana bandha: the lungs are emptied, and the abdomen is pulled inwards and upwards under the lower edge of the ribcage

2-Madhyana nauli: only the central muscles of the abdomen are contracted

3-Vama nauli: only the left muscles of the abdomen are contracted

4-Daksina nauli: only the right muscles of the abdomen are contracted

After you master this 4 steps you are ready for Nauli Kriya and it´s here that the churning begins! By switching between madhyama, vama and dakshina Nauli in a smooth motion, we will use the abdominal muscles to massage the internal organs.