Friday, November 18, 2016

Truth - The most important thing in the universe and neighborhood

The oldest nation in the world, Mother India, has been an matriachal society for at least at 25,000 a.c., an evidence to the light of the present days brought by the archaeological excavations that changed all the concepts and certainties of the cientific comunity.
In a world that, even in the present days, is ruled by countries, nations, societies, families trought a Patriarchal society and his ways, Mother India manage to resist to the wheel of time becouse his kind of society organization knows that the knowledge is more important than armies,wars and guns.
If we look at the Hindu society we will find in the top the caste of the brahmans,the holders of the culture and knowledge.
Just after them we find the second caste, the kings and their armies, the Shatryas.
Hindus always had been conduct their lives according to the Dharma, the cosmic law and order, a path of righteousness that is supported by the truth.
Truth, sat, is behind everything that we should bring to our lifes, is what the Hindu Dharshanams seeks.
Truth is God.Truth is one of the first prescription of Patanjali in the pratice of raja yoga.
It is the goal of our sva dharma that aims that we can act from our heart,not anymore as personality, but as the true self that is there.
It´s to trade the false me assumed by the personality (word for the mask in Latin so, false) by the real self.
Ultimately it is the goal of yoga, it is dharma as action based on our intuition that reveal to us the true present in that moment and the action that needs to be done to protect dharma against adharma, the false.
Is so important for the hindu that true is in the nacional flag,the white in the centre is light, the path of truth to guide our conduct. The green shows our relation to (the) soil, our relation to the plant life here, on which all other life depends. The "Ashoka Chakra" in the centre of the white is the wheel of the law of dharma. Truth or satya, dharma or virtue ought to be the controlling principle of those who work under this flag.
Gandhi baptized is philosophy of non-violence of Satyagraha,satya as true and agraha as firm,constant.
True is truly the most important gift from god to us as humans to guide our lifes and to being sure that we are on dharma.
Truth has several aspects,forms,aplications,shapes and sizes but is value is always the same independent of the adjectif that she ,the truth is dressing at the moment.
For exemple in relations between man and wife if someone find his other half,the true person and do not assume the love that arise or in love at first sight or in the form of attraction,they will never be happy with someone else.
Their lives,even if are full of sucess,money,fame etc can not be happy or make them feel realized,becouse that lifes are a lie,becouse they alredy taste the nectar of the pure cosmic love.
On the oposite if they do not separete themselves anymore,if a minute is to long to be apart,they will be the most happy persons in the universe even if they did not have food to eat,becouse they are living on the true.
They will be linked,(as real family that they are) to return to Earth together to help eachother to clean their karma and help the human kind to set free from the ilusion.
They will return to be part of the 122.000 cosmic disciples that are waiting to help human kind with the most powerfull weapon ever,the real love that this couples are experimenting and sharing between them while their are waiting that the kali yuga ends.
Truth protects you if you protect the truth and all kinds of lies are out of you even if you need to stand for the true until last consequences.
But true is not just about roses,there´s also the thorns because if one of the persons of the couple did not understand this things or did not realize the lucky of find something that thousands of persons are looking for and they give all to find it,or for some other reason the couple did not stay togheter, the bonds do not unify and some hundreds of years more can pass,in Earth time,for them to meet again.
Also both of them can not be happy with other partners with the diference that the one that did not understand will try to find hapiness with other persons but will not e possible becouse is not the true,he will just create more karma.

As for the other person,he will live with a big pain in his heart becouse he knows that he can not do nothing to stop the bleeding from his heart.
Great part of them,lives without partner and,if he already had taste the true love (again truth) he can not even stand the idea of stay with other person just for sex,he will make abstinence of something that instead of giving pleasure only will cause more suffering.
There´s a popular saying in Portugal that goes like this: "it´s easier to catch a liar than a lame".,and the pop culture always is always right :)
Love is so powerfull that he can change everything,now imagine the cosmic love emnated by two lovers.

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