Saturday, June 6, 2020


Sarvangasana is considered one of the most ancient and therapeutic yoga postures. The benefits according to some yogic literature are numerous, from taming down allergy, stimulating thyroid, calming the overly stimulated nervous system, to relieving asthma. Some even claim it to be an anti-aging pose.

The asana was depicted in Gheranda Samhita and it was actually not considered an asana or posture but a seal.

The hindu tradition states that we have a fluid of immortality, amrita, that will make us live longer.

Amrita is stored in our body in the Talu chakra, also called Lalana chakra, located on the rear part of throat. Amrita is droping into our belly until dry and we end this life time.

Yogis made this posture to live longer preventing that amrita drops down too rapid into the stomach and burn.

It´s also the meaning of all inverted postures like shirshasana for exemple.

This asana, Sarvangasana,has a counter posture, matsyasana to counter balance the effect of the Jalandar bandha (chin lock) of the shoulder stand.

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